March 1, 2013

eggless french toast recipe

Eggless French Toast Recipe
Eggless French Toast Recipe
Eggless French Toast Recipe
Eggless French Toast Recipe
A few days ago I was seriously craving French Toast, but was out of eggs! Without eggs, I couldn't use my favorite recipe, but I figured that it was possible to omit the eggs. I searched for eggless french toast recipes online and found several. The recipe I settled on was my modification of several different recipes and I think that it turned out wonderful! In fact, I might just make eggless french toast from now on to keep the dish a few calories lighter - although I'm sure that is irrelevant with the amount of powdered sugar I pile on .. ;)

1 tsp vanilla
1 cup 2% milk
1 tsp sugar
2 tbsp flour
a dash of cinnamon
1 tsp coconut oil (solid at room temperature, used to grease the griddle)
4-5 slices of bread (I like my slices thick for french toast!)

Mix together all ingredients except for coconut oil. Get your griddle/pan hot and spread the coconut oil over the surface to prevent sticking. Dip bread in the mixture, be sure to coat both sides, but don't submerge too long in the liquid otherwise your toast will be super soggy even after cooking. Immediately place bread slices on the hot griddle. Cook each side until the bread is toasted and golden brown. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, maple syrup, or preserves! Enjoy!
Eggless French Toast Recipe
Eggless French Toast Recipe
Eggless French Toast Recipe
Eggless French Toast Recipe
Eggless French Toast Recipe
Eggless French Toast Recipe


  1. Hey! I absolutely love the layout of your blog. Very jealous.

    I've just started a blog and I suppose it takes a while until you're completely happy!
    Will be following you!

    1. oh thanks so much! It's definitely been a work in layout didn't always look like this. Thanks for following! :)

  2. Oh my goodness, I love you! There have been so many times that I've wanted french toast, but didn't have any eggs. And then I decide that it's not worth it to go out to buy some, haha.


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